Friday, February 5, 2010

IntenseDebate Commenting Interface

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hey guys. I have decided to do away with the primitive, boring and rigid commenting system that all default Blogger blogs are embedded with in a bid to make this blog more user-friendly and also to increase the level of interection here.

In place of that, I have installed the 'Intense Debate' blog commenting form. To me, it is much simpler to use as you can comment as a guest among others, and I can comment back directly to each and every one of your comments, and you can in turn reply to my comments.

You probably would have come across blogs with this commenting interface, but still, many do not know how to use it. Maybe some of you might not feel too comfortable using another commenting system other than the default one so let me give a short tutorial.

Commenting as a Guest

After typing your desired comment...

Step 1: Type your name in.

Step 2: (Optional)...key in your e-mail address to display you Gravatar if you have one, and then your blog URL.

Step 3: Hit the submit comment button.

And you are done!!

Commenting with an 'Intense Debate' Account

Before typing your desired comment...

Step 1: Register for an 'Intense Debate' account. It takes only a couple of minutes to do so.

Step 2: Log in and you are free to type in your comment.

Step 3: Submit your comment.

And you are done!!

P.S. If you find you like this commenting interface, I reckon you should revamp the commenting system on your blog with this as well. The installation manual for this is available at the 'Intense Debate' website. And do give me some feedback on how you find this new commenting interface.
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